  • Cover of Gems & Gemology Winter 1986 issue, featuring flat sculpture of queen made from jewels and metals

    Winter 1986

    • $15.00

    The PDF version of this issue is available at no charge. Visit

    The Gemological Properties of the Sumitomo Gem-Quality Synthetic Yellow Diamonds
    James E. Shigley, Emmanuel Fritsch, Carol M. Stockton, John I. Koivula, Charles W. Fryer, and Robert E. Kane

    Art Nouveau: Jewels and Jewelers
    Elise B. Misiorowski and Dona M. Dirlam

    Contemporary Intarsia: The Medvedev Approach to Gem Inlay
    James Elliott

    1986 Annual Index

    Every issue also includes the most up-to-date reports from the GIA Laboratory (Lab Notes) and gemologists around the world (Gem News International).

    GIA students and alumni save 10% on back issues! Enter coupon code GGALUM at checkout.

    Usually ships in 3-5 business days. 

    SKU: 438601